Thursday, September 28, 2017

Essay#2 The Future of Marriage

DUE 10/12

Marriage and Family are recognized as a basic institution in both kinship and social structure; but the nature of marriage has recently been contested in the United States. For this expository essay...

(1) DEFINE marriage from the perspective of anthropology. Note that this definition has the difficult task of considering the range of marriage forms across cultures. (min. 1 paragraph)
(2) Describe the various forms which marriage takes, considering the marriage "contract". Illustrate your description with examples of 2 differing marriage forms from different cultures. (min. 2 paragraphs)
(3) What do you think is the future of marriage, and how might the anthropological perspective inform our discussion of marriage equality? (min. 1 paragraph)

This essay has a minimum of 6 paragraphs including an introduction and conclusion. Please refer to the writing rubric for guidance, or submit your paper early for draft feedback. Assistance with writing is always available in the Writing Lab in J-Wing. :)


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