Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Readings on marriage

"Same Sex Marriage"

  • How is the way we traditionally define marriage in the United States "ethnocentric"?
    • what are the assumptions and values which underlie this definition?
  • Why is it difficult to define marriage according to anthropologists?
  • what functions/characteristics does marriage USUALLY confer?
    • legitimizing children
    • granting sexual access 
    • establishes procreation roles between opposite sexes
    • defining familial roles 
    • establishes 'families" who form households
    • uniting alliances between kin groups*
  • how does same sex marriage challenge ideas of marriage in American culture?
  • what are examples of marriage forms across culture which also challenge marriage in American culture?
  • how have American marriages and family structures changed over time?
    • why have these changes occurred?
  • How might you as an anthropologist make a case for the adaptive qualities of same sex and other nontraditional marriage forms in American culture?
"Fraternal polyandry, Polygyny and  Monogamy: Tibetan Marriage forms"
  • Why are there various forms of marriage in Tibetan culture, and how are each of these understood as logical adaptations to a variety of needs in each family?
  • what values and beliefs in American culture does fraternal polyandry question?
  • why does fraternal polyandry offer an economic advantage and familial stability that monogamy does not?
  • what are potential sources of discord in fraternal polyandry?
  • what are the proposed etic explanations for the practice of fraternal polyandry?
    • female infanticide
    • starvation due to harsh climate/land/herd shortage (inhertitence)
    • reduces birth rate creating unmarried reproductive females
  • what are the emic explanations for fraternal polyandry? (younger brothers)
    • attainment and maintenance of a good life/higher standard of living
    • less work pressure and greater security
    • more resources/social prestige
    • available basic resources, land, house, livestock
"Human population genetics: cultural myth of relationships"
  • why is population genetics so powerful as a marker of "identity" in American culture?
  • what is the difference between biological relatedness and meaningful relatedness?
  • what is KINSHIP?
  • What is Mitochondrial DNA, and what meaning does it have in western science and culture?
    • why are 75% of your ancestors "invisible" to MtDNA? How MIGHT this impact our understanding of "relatedness"?
    • what are the weaknesses of using MtDNA as a test for relatedness?
  • Why is the "constructedness" of human kinship "problematic" in understanding ultimate "relatedness"?
  • why isnt this your grandmother's genetics???

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